Thursday, May 6, 2010


My first animation!
Done for IB SL art class 2009.

It originally started off as a film/stop animation, but the dried leaves/photographs failed on me. So I decided to draw the frames out instead. And as I have been told, that is called animation.

The frames are mostly hand drawn, some are merely moving red drops on the leaf, you can tell the difference. This contains 8 frames per second (the fastest I can get windows movie maker to go, and I couldn't find another animation program), and a total of.... however many seconds is in the video. So yes, a couple hundred of frames.

Most of the work took about a week, the rest are just fiddling through a few months. The idea, came up with and finalized on a bus ride home.

Music is improvised on my poorly tuned piano (which is actually beneficial for this piece), and recorded w/ my mp3 (thus the crappy quality, which also works w/ the film). So some of it doesn't EXACTLY match the animation, but it's close enough.

The leaf, is basically representative of the human mind. Yeah.. you guys can figure out the rest by yourself.


This is like the... 'bloopers' section I guess.
The original leaf, unfortunately the idea didn't work too well. Got a cool effect in the photograph though.

The leaf breaking; I think this is my favourite/proudist part of the film.

This film was a LOT of work, but in the end, I really enjoyed it, and I like how it turned out. And for the first one, not too bad.

So recently (well, more like the past year or so), I've been wanting to do short films - either actual short films, or stop motion/animation (but with actual people and objects, instead of puppets). The only problem is - no idea what to do the film on. Can't think of a good plot/story line =____=.
But soon, I shall start brainstorming and working on it! =)

* * *
BD: Sigmund Freud, Victor Grignard
International No Diet Day,

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