Sunday, May 2, 2010


My song list for my ARCT in Piano Performance
(Which I should start focusing on... or my theory credits will expire in ... 2-3ish years... I don't know why, but they do expire <.<)

The repertoire requirements are as such:
(The numbers in the front are the percentages that they're worth)
20 - One selection from List A: Works of J.S. Bach
25 - One selection from List B: Sonatas
15 - One selection from List C: Romantic Repertoire
15 - One selection from List D: Post-Romantic and Early 20th-century Repertoire
15 - One selection from List E: 20th- and 21st-century Repertoire
10 - One Concert Etude

Theory Co-requisites:
Counterpoint (Grade 4 Counterpoint)
Advanced Harmony (Grade 5 Harmony)
History 3: 19th Century to Present (Grade 5 History)
Analysis (Grade 5 Analysis)

I have finished all of my theory co-requisites, which took a lot of time and costed a pretty buck, so now I must get the stupid performance exam done >.<

List A:
Johann Sebastian Bach
English Suite no. 1 in A major, BWV 806
-Prelude, Sarabande, and Gigue

Each English Suite is made up of several different dances, Allemande, Sarabande, Minute, etc. Luckily, we only have to do 3 of those dances. And I can't find a suitable youtube link for these dances - so lets just say, that they're very.. baroque and Bach sounding.

List B:
Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata in C minor, op. 13 (also known as the Pathétique Sonata)

(The entire sonata is around 20 minutes, so the video is cut into the three movements [Youtube doesn't alow 20min songs])

Movement I

Movement II

Movement III

List C:
Johannes Brahms
Ballade in D major, op. 10, no. 2

List D:
Claude Debussy
Préludes, 1 - La danse de Puck (no. 11)

(Also, check out the Michelangeli version, it's brilliant, but doesn't allow me to embed)

List E:
Sergei Prokofiev
Four Pieces, op. 4 MAS - Diabolical Suggestion

Concert Etude:
Frédéric Chopin
Etude op. 10, no. 12 (also known as the Revolutionary Etude)

And here you have it, my goal for this century =.=
It seems like an impossible mountain to climb.

* * *

BD: Alessandro Scarlatti, Heinrich Gustav Magnus, Donatella Versace
DD: Leonardo da Vinci

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