Wednesday, May 19, 2010


With some free time on my hands, I drafted a painting, about a week ago. Here's a watercolour sketch of it (ignore the anatomical inaccuracies, this version's mainly to plan out colour scheme)
And a charcoal sketch on the actual canvas.

So far, I've washed it with an underlayer. Until I searched the house and found out that most of my paints have dried out (after having them for 5+ years), and that I do not seem to have a white.. -____-, and obviously, as seen on the draft, white is pretty important. So now, the painting is on hiatus until I can go out and get more paint. Which won't be for a while.

Anyway, I will be periodically posting the progress of this painting.

The medium's probably going to be in acrylic. (I need to get turpentine, for oil)

There's really no message/anything interesting/informative behind this post, just felt like sharing some art.

* * *
BD: Hồ Chí Minh, Malcolm X, Pol Pot
World Hepatitis Day

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