Monday, March 22, 2010

Red Moon

It is just beautiful, things you can observe so late at night.

Right now, sitting outside my window, lies a sliver of the red moon.

It looks something like this:

Photo by Chris Harvey

Except, my moon, is a waxings one (the one show in this image is waning), and it is larger, yellower/whiter along the outer edge, and its craters are much more visible. It is much better to be looking at it, photographs does it no justice.

It is visions like this, that are the driving forces behind artistic creation, behind inspirations, the romanticism in ourselves.

And I just love how, if someone in my general geographical area looks up in the right direction, they will see the exact same thing, and perhaps ponder the exact same thoughts.

So pretty...... But alas, like all beauty, it will not last. It will return again, perhaps in the same setting, perhaps in a different one. But for now, it is fading.

Back in December, was the first time I saw this red moon in a long while. It was in the early hours of the morning, not quite dawn yet. The moon was full that day, and in the exact same location, I sat there, watching as the red disk slowly sank to the ground, disappearing into the horizon.

It was quite amazing. Because in the summer, I always watch the sun set, just a little west of where that moon was. They sank, the exact same way, the moon being slightly larger, and the setting of it signalled the beginning of light, instead of the end.

So this is where philosophies and ancient tales, stories passed down through generations came from...

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