Friday, June 25, 2010

Of Journals

So, it's the holidays, and I've been bored. So last night/this morning, I found these two blogs/online journals that I kept, from grade 8 to the beginning of grade 10. Most of the entries were from grade 8, and a few scattered across grades 9-10. Reading them, certainly brought back a lot of memories.

One thing that I, looking back at them, realized now, was that I was SUCH an egotistic bitch back then... <.<. Honestly, some of the things I wrote back then, well, for 1 i typed lik this n wut not. -___-. Also, the ego behind some of it, and the certainty about certain topics to which I thought I understood and defended, which I now know to be seriously wrong. It's kind of embarrassing actually, to read through them. And I think, in my own way, yup, I was a bitch. I remember some people making that comment, but I also remember myself not believing them. The ego and attitude behind some entries were just... I'm glad I (really hopefully) grew out of that. Then again... maybe not. But I've certainly 'calmed' down a lot over the years, yay?

One things about those blogs, were that yes, I filled them with quite a few quotes, but they were also a lot personal in nature. I seem to have spent a lot of my time recording down daily happenings, and what not. Which, I think is a good thing, because when I read through them again, it's quite amusing to look back at the events which have occured in those years. That, and I found some pictures which I would have otherwise lost. Also, when reading them, I found many traces of myself in them. (Well, obviously, I wrote them - but a lot of the entries, especially the earlier ones, seems like a whole different person). Some of the traits that I've carried throughout the years, some have been dropped, and some, more refined. But it was really interesting, finding the commonalities / progression between them and throughout the years. But yeah... another 4 years later, I'll be reading this thing, and going like "wtf was I thinking?!" =).

* * *

BD: Walther Nernst, Robert Henri, George Orwell, William Howard Stein
DD: Georg Philipp Telemann, E.T.A Hoffmann, Michael Jackson

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