Thursday, August 5, 2010


the 1000 piece puzzle, from Ravensburger Puzzle.

I found this set on July 29th, from a thrift store. Luckily, it looked relatively new, and thus, hopefully, not missing any pieces.
I have always loved jigsaw puzzles, and is relatively fast at doing them. Thus, here's a little photo diary, of my journey with this puzzle. =)
*warning, this post is image heavy, so dialups beware*

July 29th, day I:
Let the sorting begin!

Done sorting out all of the edges.

Now, to piece together the border. At this point, I was very afraid that I wasn't going to have enough pieces, it looked sketchy.

Lining them up = great help.

Done border! Nothing was missing, a very good sign.

This particular puzzle, had it's own 'border' on the drawing, so the second layer was fished out and pieced together.

And finally, flipping all of the pieces right side up.

And a slightly more detailed look at the board.

July 30th, day II:
The maiden is starting to take form.

And some more...

The other board looks like this now, a lot less pieces.

August 3rd, day III:
After a few hectic days of not touching the puzzle, returned to it, filling out the maiden some more. Then it got pretty hard, so I went and focused on the sky instead.

August 4th, day IV:
Transfered the sky onto the main board.

More filled out.

Almost there!

And... it's done =)
Though, missing a piece <.<. I think it might be in one of my rooms, from when I moved it around from room to room. But... at least it wasn't missing a lot of pieces.

And thus, completes the 1000 pieced puzzle, in 4 days. It was a lot of fun, though frustrating at times. And now, I'm debating on whether or not to buy another one.....

* * *
BD: Tom Thomson, Neil Armstrong
DD: Friedrich Engels, Carmen Miranda, Marilyn Monroe
International Beer Day

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