Friday, April 2, 2010

Proust was a Neuroscientist

Book review time!

Proust was a Neuroscientist
by Jonah Lehrer

Using a handful of writers, artist, chef, and musician, Lehrer links the world of neuroscience and psychology, with the world of arts. I thought it was a rather interesting read, with new links and random information for the common reader.

Each chapter is dedicated to a specific artist, and the connections they have made to the scientific world. It typically starts off with a brief introduction and biography about the artist, some of the works they have accomplished. Then, ties between neuroscience and the specific works they have created, how they felt about it. What I liked the most, is that within each chapter, Lehrer also brought in other artists, philosophers, scientists, etc, to back up, or counter the argument. So we get to learn philosophies from a much wider range of people.

Though, to fully enjoy the book, I think one should have some specialty/common knowledge in the arts. For example, one chapter featured a musician - Stravinsky. And when Lehrer made notes between music, and how our brains work, I enjoyed it with greater depth, than some of the chapters on novelists, because I did manage to understand the terminology, and was able to relate to the experiences, and thus understand the links better. Same thing goes for the artist chapter, in which, I understood the experiences.

However, that is not to discourage readers who do not consider artistic inclinations their forte. The language used in the book, is clear enough, that it is suitable for everyone. I just think that artists, writers and musicians would take more out of it, because it does involve their art. For example, I liked and understood the chapters on novelists, but I do not remember as much from those, than from the music and art ones. (After all, memory is linked with the emotions that we feel at the time of its creation)

Overall, I think it's a book worth reading =)

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