Saturday, December 11, 2010

filament magazine

... It's been a long time since my last post.. =/
Though, once exams are done this thing should be up and running more frequently.


"The women's magazine inspired by the rocket science that women have brains and eyes."

"Filament does
- articles you actually want to read
- men photographed for women
- high-quality writing and design

Filament doesn't do
- fashion
- diets
- gossip"

Personally, I have a little problem with what they portray this magazine to be; what the style/image of the magazine is. But, I do have exams to study for -__-, and really should stop procrastinating. Also, I think the magazine is extremely aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable, so I'm not going to be too picky about it.

Till next time...

*Speaking of magazines, I submitted some art samples to Shroud Magazine about 5 months ago, and they still have not gotten back to me yet...

Okay, I take back what I said. Upon further investigation (aka, actually reading the content of the articles), this is like a porn magazine disguised as a classy/sophisticated mag for intelletual people.
This is very disappointing -________-.
Oh well, some of the pictures are still enjoyable.

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