Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Food Inc

I watched this documentary about a month ago, very interesting.
Personally, I'm not a very big 'GO GREEN/ORGANIC!' fan. Any activism for me is a little too extreme. I think that they are right in some of what they are saying, and their thoughts' nice. But.... sometimes, their methods, the way they just force their ideology onto yours.... they almost act like what they're fighting against, just the other way around.
But anyway, it's an incredibly informative movie to watch. It has around 10 parts I believe, so it may take a while.

Speaking of chickens (featured throughout the film). We had 'free-ranged' (or w/e you call it) chicken the other day. Personally, I think it does taste better. The texture of the meat, composition of the chicken overall, is quite different.

To go along with this video, is an episode from the radio program Ideas, by CBC radio
The three segments of ~52min episodes explores the western culture of meat, arguments from both sides, etc. Again, really interesting.
If there's something to be taken out of these episodes:
1. Reduce your meat intake.
2. be very careful when making food choices for your baby/toddler/kid - too much is not good, but vegeterianism isn't the best way either, they still need all those nutrients to grow, people!
3. Eat everything! Do what Asians/natives/probably all cultures but the North Americans do, eat every part of the animal! (On a side note, pig ears = <3)

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BB: Jean Picard, Henri Victor Regnault, Ernest Hemingway

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